About Moi

Thanks for stopping by! My name is Anthony, and I’m a journalism student living in California with big New York dreams! This blog is my creative outlet to write about what I love the most! Since most of the fashion folk look down on “bloggers,” I decided I want a traditional journalism education background so I don’t have to have that snobbish glare and eye roll(the ‘you’re voice is beneath everyone else since you didn’t go to school’).

My aim is to find my voice as a journalist and honestly just have fun with it. Fashion is supposed to be fun and I hope to make my page bearable at the very least. I’m planning to post every few days. Sometimes it takes me a while to post because I aim to have an actual article to read. Whenever my post is all pictures, that means that I have writers block, so please bear with me and enjoy!

Thanks for reading!

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